CBSE Aff. No.930600
P.B.No.18, Pius Gardens, Kothamangalam, Ernakulam, Kerala. - 686691
(0485) 2862056, 7561804018 sobhanacbse@gmail.com

For the Parents
Parents must take care of the following:
* Please ensure that your child maintains a good attendance record.
* Make sure that your child has done his/ her assignment in time.
* Please do acknowledge the remarks of the teacher punctually.
* Fill in the personal profile during the first week of June.
* Avoid meeting your wards during class hours. Teachers are available for discussion from 3.00 p.m. on last Friday of every month with prior request either through phone or letter.
* Please don’t send your ward if suffering from any major or contagious disease, and submit the medical certificate from an authorized doctor for the same when the student begins to attend the class after the illness.
* Parents should attend the Open House conducted after each term to have a discussion with the respective teachers regarding the progress of their wards.
* Parents shall refrain from fetching their wards personally from the school between 3.00 pm and 3.30 pm whatsoever in order to avoid the last-minute confusion.
For the Students
Code of conduct
Students of Sobhana Public School are expected to maintain general decorum and dignity in all their activities.
Guidelines for the code of conduct are as follows:-
* English is the dominant language on campus.
* Students are to greet their teachers and other supporting staff whenever they meet them.
* School uniform code should be maintained on all working days.
* Teachers and supporting staff should be addressed with respect.
* All students are responsible for their belongings.
* School property and premises should be maintained clean and tidy.
* Students are to be disciplined at all times, especially during school hours and recess hours.
* Students are forbidden to write graffiti on the walls and furniture, and the parents will be liable to compensate for the damages or any form of destruction of the school property.
* Use of foul language or offensive behavior is punishable and further repetition of the same will lead to the expulsion of the student from the school.
* Senior students should be considerate to younger children in and out of the campus with a helpful mind.
* All students must be regular and punctual. Every student should be in the school compound before the first bell.
* No student can leave the school campus during school hours without the Principal’s permission.
* Habitual negligence in work, disobedience, and acts of misconduct will involve/ serve disciplinary action including expulsion.
* A child suffering from any contagious disease will not be allowed to attend the class.
* Home exercises shall be done regularly and carefully and submitted at the appointed time.
* The school campus should be kept neat and tidy.
* Students of one class are not allowed to enter other classrooms.
* It is compulsory to speak English on the school campus and in public places.
* Sharp-edged instruments should not be brought to the school.
* The receipts issued by the school office against payment of school fees, bus fees, etc., should be produced whenever they are asked for.
* Playing in classrooms and corridors is strictly prohibited.
* When passing along corridors during class hours, students should keep
* Every pupil shall endeavor to keep up the high standard and morale of the school by excelling in studies and good manners.
* Latecomers will have to meet the Principal and their names must be entered in the Late Coming Record.
* Any damage caused to the property of the school will have to be made
* Sick students should not be sent to the school.
* Public Holidays, Local Holidays and Government-Declared Holidays would be applicable to the school in general.
* Any holiday declared by the school applicable to any of the classes would be specially informed to the parents of the concerned classes through WhatsApp group message or through Diary notifications.
* Any student being absent even for a day, should get the reason for the absence written in the school diary duly signed by the parent and submit it to the class-teacher the day when the student is then coming to the school.
* A student of Class IX, X, XI or XII, if takes leave on any ground, must strictly get the approval of the School Principal through the parent, in person, in writing or through a personal phone call.
* The parent of any student who gets absent for more than 5 days must inform the School Principal conveying the reason for such absence.